Currently responsible for managing $2.84 million in federal funding. Tasks include leadership in researching, drafting, and submitting grant proposals. Further work includes serving as project lead for funded projects, ensuring all project deliverables are met and serving as Lead Staff for site visits by funding agencies. Also, previously responsible for raising more than $29 million in federal and state grants/contracts, special events, and corporate sponsorships for various Association projects and initiatives.
Responsible for chairing the Association’s corporate compliance committee and ensuring all Association policies and procedures meet all compliance standards. Additional tasks include developing an annual compliance plan, creating, leading, directing regular compliance training for staff.
Responsible for determining time frames, funding parameters, required procedures, and staffing requirements for various Association projects. Additional tasks and responsibilities include developing work plans to accomplish goals for the various phases of projects, representing the organization on various local and state committees and boards of directors.
Responsible for marketing and public relation strategies to promote health professional student preceptorship programs nationally, statewide, and locally among health professional students, educational institutions, and community-based health centers. Also responsible for writing grant proposals to the federal Bureau of Primary Health Care and Bureau of Health Professions for continued funding for the student placement program